Our Drywall Division contains 8 Lather Certified employeesFriday, May 18 2012

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Our Drywall Division contains 8 Lather Certified employeesFriday, May 18 2012

Since postsecondary training for the drywall division is not offered in the province, FundyPros encouraged its employees to challenge the qualifying exam to obtain their Lather Certification. With this Interprovincial Red Seal program, these employees are certified to work across Canada and can be mentors for apprentice at work.

Recently, another worker was added to the list of lather certified in the company for a total of 8 employees. FundyPros is glad to be recognized as the company with the most lather certified employees in the province. The certification benefits both the company and the workers. The lathers are finally recognized for the hard work that they have done in their field while FundyPros benefits from the work and services of a strong team of experienced professionals to better meet and exceed our clients’ expectations.

As learning is one of the company’s main values, FundyPros is continuously encouraging their employees to learn and develop skills in their field.

Contact us today and let us add value to your project – big or small. Our representatives are ready to answer any questions you might have.

Tel: (506) 383-6466
Fax: (506) 862-5520
Email: info@fundypros.com

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"I believe in old-fashioned values. A handshake and a promise still mean something to me."

Mario Allain
Founder and President,